Organisational Development and Change


Due to rapid technological innovation, changing markets, dynamic regulatory environments, corporate and public sector, organizations must innovate or be left behind.

Our experts utilise a consultative approach to help clients plan and implement HR programs and other organisational change programs including:

  • Structural reviews and realignments
  • Mergers and acquisitions and other planned growth and downsizing programs
  • HR policy development and implementation
  • Organisational Structuring
  • Job evaluation and grading
  • Implementing associated change programs

Therefore, we can help your firm be ready for the challenges as summarised below.


True North can help your organisation:

  • Craft systematic change communication programs in order to maximise employee engagement, drive desired employee behaviour and achieve measurable improvements in business performance.
  • Define customised team building programs designed to drive desired behaviours to relevant target groups.
  • Define desired values and culture and come up with programs to ensure the organisational Culture permeates the whole organisation through visible behaviour.
